Welcome to the Official Website of Star Base Andromeda -- Lincoln, Nebraska's longest-running Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Action/Adventure club. We were founded on Febuary 7, 1974 as Lincoln's "City-Wide Star Trek Club", but over the years have expanded to encompass a wide variety of fannish interests and pasttimes. We hope our website, launched February 11, 2003, can serve as both a historical record of SBA's presence in area fandom, as well as a clearinghouse of data for local and distant fans alike! We'd love to hear from you, so please let us know how we're doing by sending us e-mail at the Contact SBA links scattered throughout our site, or off-line at our mailing address.
Our club meets on all Tuesday nights at 6:30 and on occasional weekend dates. Our Tuesday night meetings are currently held at The Coffee House (1324 P St.), due to our traditional library meeting rooms no longer being available in the evening. Our occasional "Book Discussion" meetings are held either at the downtown UNL Student Union (when classes are in session) or The Coffee House when UNL is on break. Our irregular weekend meetings remain at the Bennett Martin Public Library (4th floor meeting rooms) in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska (14th & "N" St.). Tuesday night meetings are our general "discussion" meetings or "book discussions", while weekends are usually "special focus" meetings -- such as our "Game Weeks", "Writers Group" meetings or "Video Weeks".
Thanks for visiting...please stop back occasionally -- we try to update many of the pages on this site, when new information is available.

January 2018
Club Meetings are scheduled for the following dates in January:
- Tuesday, 2nd, 6:30-8:00 -- Book Discussion -- Robert L. Forward's "Dragon's Egg" -- [The Coffee House]
- Tuesday, 9th, 6:30-8:00
- Tuesday, 16th, 6:30-8:00
- Tuesday, 23rd, 6:30-8:00
- Tuesday, 30th, 6:30-8:00 -- Book Discussion -- Jeff Vandermeer's "Annihilation" -- [UNL Student Union]
February 2018
Club Meetings are scheduled for the following dates in February:
- Tuesday, 6th -- 6:30-8:00
- Wednesday, 7th -- 44rd anniversary of the founding of Star Base Andromeda
- Tuesday, 13th, 6:30-8:00
- Tuesday, 20th, 6:30-8:00
- Tuesday, 27th, 6:30-8:00 -- Book Discussion -- Richard Matheson's "The Shrinking Man" -- [UNL Student Union]
March 2018
Club Meetings are scheduled for the following dates in March:
- Tuesday, 6th, 6:30-8:00
- Tuesday, 13th, 6:30-8:00
- Tuesday, 20th, 6:30-8:00
- Friday, 23rd-Sunday, 25th -- WillyCon XX
- Tuesday, 27th, 6:30-8:00