We are still planning to ultimately expand the memberpages section of the site. Current SBA members will be given a space to identify their specific fannish interests and list some of their favorite websites, which might not otherwise be listed on our links page. Several members have already submitted their data, and we'll incorporate that into our next update of the site. In the meantime, a major upgrade/revision of the Robert Reed page is planned, with additional links to even more on-line reviews of Bob's works and a listing of other sites where Bob's stories are indexed (none as detailed as ours, we're proud to say!). We hope to actually get started with regular news updates in the News page (and News Archive page), although a target date for such an upgrade is uncertain. We have a large file of additional photographs from our past events (Andromeda conventions and Rigel open houses) to archive on the site, though this will probably be done on a piecemeal basis. We hope to completely redo the Downtown Eats page, since it currently still lists restaurants that have shuttered their doors, and there are several newer downtown restaurants we've considered patronizing which deserve to be on our on-line list.

If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see here on the sba.com website, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or at our snailmail address: SBA Publicity, 7210 Francis St. Lincoln NE 68505. If you're a current SBA member, and would like to recommend an interesting or quirky site for our Link of the Week feature, please send the URL to us at our e-mail address. Thanks!

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 Last updated on 8-09-2004

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